Disaster Recovery

Keeping “IT” Security Real, Re-imagining Cyber Defenses

Much has changed due to Covid-19, Remote Work from Home (or Anywhere) and the ongoing SolarWinds fiasco have caused every cybersecurity team to review “what really matters in terms of cyber risk,” and master the basics as the foundation of their security program. As I have been known to say, in ‘cyber’ what was once true yesterday, may not be so today! It is often recommended to check-in from time-to-time and explore what may have changed. This continues to ring true today. When Covid-19 lockdowns were officially announced in March of 2020, much of the workforce had to rapidly shift to a new mode of working opening or compound existing …

Keeping “IT” Security Real, Re-imagining Cyber Defenses Read More »

Keeping IT Security Real Re-imagining Defenses

The Disaster Recovery Difference

Backup versus Disaster Recovery: Making the Right Assessment In data protection, recognizing when a data loss event is a minor blip versus a major catastrophe adds tremendous value to our clients – determining the action taken and the impact to their bottom line. Sometimes accessing a secure backup is sufficient. Other times critical data must be instantaneously recovered. [pdf-embedder url=”https://www.xbandenterprises.com/uploads/2020/02/XBAND_Data_Cloud_Assess_Backup_vs_Disaster_Recovery_EN-US_v2.pdf” title=”Data Cloud Assessment Backup vs Disaster Recovery”]      

The Disaster Recovery Difference
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