Why Video Conferencing Is More Productive than In-Person Meetings
Whether you’ve been working remotely for years or are transitioning, virtual meetings can encourage better engagement and collaboration. Being in the same room with someone doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have a fruitful meeting. In fact, there are lots of stats and data that support the idea that video conferencing is more productive than in-person meetings.
Global catastrophe or not, the revolution of remote work will continue to grow as companies realize its effectiveness and efficiency. Let’s look at why video conferencing can deliver a more productive atmosphere for working together.
A Look at the Data on Video Conferencing
Video conferencing has been growing in popularity, even more so now as working from home is a necessity. When companies use video conferencing strategically, it immediately has an impact on costs as it negates the need for many business trips. It also empowers telecommuters to work from home because they have all the same tools they would have access to in the office. This can reduce overhead costs by as much as $11,000 while also expanding your talent pool.
It’s also improving how the workforce performs. One survey found that 99 percent of respondents believe video conferencing improves communication and collaboration, positively impacting productivity. That same survey also revealed that 98 percent agree that video conferencing helps them build relationships, both internally and externally.
Research shows that video conferencing delivers valuable benefits and can be just as effective as sitting face to face.
Getting More Done: Video Conferencing Is More Productive than In-Person Meetings
When compared to in-person meetings, video conferencing offers many advantages. Beyond the cost savings, its benefits deliver tangible results on productivity.
- Conference from anywhere: In-person meetings, especially those that require travel, absorb a lot of time. That’s true even if the meeting is just in your office because of the commute time from home. Hours or even days can be lost when traveling to in-person meetings. Going virtual allows you to conference from anywhere, giving everyone time back for work.
- Share files more easily: Think of the environment of an in-person meeting and how challenging it can be to share files. Even if your conference room is technologically equipped, that doesn’t mean that everyone’s devices will be compatible. Whereas with video conferencing, you can simply share documents on the screen to review. Everyone has the same view without concerns about connectivity. Post-meeting, you can then easily share those documents with action items. You can assure this is seamless by using a cloud-based file sharing server.
- Reduce ambiguity: Have you ever walked out of a meeting and suddenly forgot much of what was discussed? It doesn’t mean you weren’t paying attention, it’s just harder to retain information, especially if it’s all verbal. With video conferencing, you can record the meeting then distribute it after to reduce any ambiguity of who is responsible for each action. Instead of wasting time trying to decipher your notes, you can go through the recording quickly to understand what to do next.
- Receive undivided attention: Some may argue that in-person meetings keep everyone attentive because you’re in the same room. But is that really the case? How many meetings have you sat through where others were busy on their phone or staring out the window. Lack of attention creates confusion, which zaps productivity. Video conferencing, however, may provide that undivided attention you expect. Because people are on camera, they are less likely to get distracted by their phones or fade into daydreams. Attendees are aware of the camera, which often makes them more in tune with what’s going on in the meeting.
- Save time with shorter meetings: In-person meetings are known to be long-winded and eat up time. That’s because of several factors—people run late, get sidetracked, or aren’t prepared. Video conferences, on average, are shorter than in-person meetings. Attendees are more prompt since they simply need to log into the video conferencing software, versus having to be somewhere physically at a certain time. Because video conferencing offers features like screen sharing and annotation, it’s easier to stay on course. You’ll find this even more so if you use an agenda.
Video Conferencing Meets the Meeting Needs of the Future
In-person meetings won’t disappear. Business travel will eventually resume, but the meeting needs of the future involve leveraging technology. Video conferencing is a valuable tool to have to support communication, collaboration, and productivity.
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