Email Security

Keeping “IT” Security Real, Re-imagining Cyber Defenses

Much has changed due to Covid-19, Remote Work from Home (or Anywhere) and the ongoing SolarWinds fiasco have caused every cybersecurity team to review “what really matters in terms of cyber risk,” and master the basics as the foundation of their security program. As I have been known to say, in ‘cyber’ what was once true yesterday, may not be so today! It is often recommended to check-in from time-to-time and explore what may have changed. This continues to ring true today. When Covid-19 lockdowns were officially announced in March of 2020, much of the workforce had to rapidly shift to a new mode of working opening or compound existing …

Keeping “IT” Security Real, Re-imagining Cyber Defenses Read More »

Keeping IT Security Real Re-imagining Defenses

Phish Your User In Under a Minute

Phish Your User In Under a Minute There’s a right way and a wrong way to train employees in cyber security awareness. The wrong way approaches training as a once-a-year or semi-annual exercise in which employees are gathered in the break room with snacks and subjected to a long, or sometimes too-brief, PowerPoint presentation. This method treats employees as a passive audience and inadequately engages them. Done wrong, security training feels more like punishment than an opportunity to teach and inspire employees to be active contributors to their organization’s safety and well-being. Download: HOW TO FORTIFY YOUR ORGANIZATION’S LAST LAYER OF SECURITY – YOUR EMPLOYEES

Phish Your User In Under a Minute | Email Defense
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