Security Awareness Deployment Guide Securely Working at Home

Security Awareness Deployment Guide – Securely Working at Home

Security Awareness Deployment Guide

Securely Working at Home

Executive Summary

As a result of Coronavirus, many organizations are finding themselves transitioning their workforce to work from home. This can be a challenge as many organizations lack the policies, technology and training to secure a remote workforce. In addition, many employees may be unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the idea of working from home. The purpose of this guide is to enable you to quickly train those people to be secure as possible. If you have any questions on how to use this guide, reach out to us at

Since your workforce is most likely going through a great deal of both stress and change, and your organization is most likely limited by time and resources, this strategic guide focuses on making the training as simple as possible. We recommend you focus just on the most important risks that will have the greatest impact, which we describe below. Think of these as a starting point. If there are additional risks or topics you want to add, by all means, do. Just realize the more behaviors, processes or technologies you require of your workforce, the less likely they can implement all of them.

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Credit: SANS Institute

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