Fortify Your Organizations Last Layer of Security Your Employees

How to Fortify Your Organization’s Last Layer of Security – Your Employees

How to Fortify Your Organizations Last Layer of Security – Your Employees

“…people play an undeniable role in an organization’s overall security and risk posture.” – Gartner

Cyber security threats continue to proliferate and become more costly to businesses that suffer a data breach. One reason for that is that hackers have realized it’s easier to find someone who may be willing in a moment of weakness to open an attachment containing malicious content than to exploit technical vulnerabilities within  computer software, according to Symantec.

When it comes to combatting these growing risks, most organizations continue to place more trust in technology-based solutions than on training their employees to be more aware of the threat landscape and able to recognize the red flags in cyber breach
attempts. Organizations tend to see their employees as liabilities rather than as assets, who, when trained appropriately and incentivized, can be part of a more robust solution to many problems.

A report, “Magic Quadrant for Security Awareness Computer-Based Training,” by Gartner*, the leading computer trends analyst, evaluates a broad range of computer-based security training products on the market. “People impact security outcomes, much more
than any technology, policy or process,” Gartner explains. “The market for security awareness computer-based training is driven by the recognition that, so long as technology-based security systems do not provide perfect protection, people play an
undeniable role in an organization’s overall security and risk posture. This role is defined by both inherent strengths and weaknesses: people’s ability to learn and their capacity for error.”

There’s a right way and a wrong way to train employees in cyber security awareness. The wrong way approaches training as a once-a-year or semi-annual exercise in which employees are gathered in the break room with snacks and subjected to a long, or sometimes too-brief, PowerPoint presentation. This method treats employees as a passive audience and inadequately
engages them. Done wrong, security training feels more like punishment than an opportunity to teach and inspire employees to be active contributors to their organization’s safety and well-being.

Fortify Your Organizations!

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