Innovators Guide to Remote Working

Innovators Guide to Remote Working

Where will your notes take you?

Though there’s no evidence of a correlation between an individual’s personality and their style of note-taking, that doesn’t make their notes any less personal. Notes are more than just dictations and doodles; they are the natural first step in execution, the initial spark of innovation.

Is remote working right for your team?

The way we’ve always done things is losing its luster. The talented people you work with are looking sideways at their commute and maybe considering other employment options. They’re frustrated with office interruptions that destroy their productivity. They’re sad that they missed another event at their child’s school. At the heart of this transformative time, your job is to amplify the ingenuity of your most valuable asset—your people. So you’re considering empowering your employees to work remotely.

The natural progression of the digital experience

Michelangelo had his sketchbook, da Vinci his codex, and Tesla his journals and notes. So many of their breakthrough ideas first began to take shape when they put pen to paper. The scribbles and scrawls we use as reminders to grab milk on the way home are the same curious sketches that once held the secrets to gravity. And whether written in quick scratches in the margins or meticulous outlines, we each have our own method (or lack thereof) for creating and managing our insights, observations, and reminders. Download the Innovators Guide to Remote Working.

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